Did you follow our #bocochallenge on Instagram?
This year we challenged you to rethink the way that you look and feel about your body and retrain your brain to see yourself in a new, more positive and confident way.
For our first bloggers to follow in 2020 body confidence, positivity and liberation is not just for January, its a way of life.
The body confidence bloggers include authors, writers, editors and designers who are totally unstoppable, inspirational and amazing.
Featured image: Body Posi Panda
Nikki Free Style
Nikki Free is a fashion and lifestyle blogger from Atlanta who wants you to completely own your own body with cool confidence. Hang the ‘fashion rules’ and wear what you want, when you want! Embrace your curves and flaunt your style.
The blog is vibrant, colorful, a little bit boujee and never fails to put a smile on our face.
Read these:
On Body Positivity and Weight Loss
On Body Hate and the Haters That Do It
Body Posi Panda
For Megan Crabbe aka Body Posi Panda discovering the body-positive community was life-changing. From empowering women to love their bodies whatever shape, size, color or age they are to talking about diet culture and recovery from disordered eating, we love Megan’s honest and candid blogs.
Megan is the author of Body Positive Power and you can find more of her writing in The Unedit.
Blog posts we love:
55 Ways Body Positivity Could Change Your Life
What To Do if You Just Can’t Love Your Body
Horror Kitsch Bitch
Kobi Jae is an Australian blogger and founder of the Cutting Shapes Club clothing line who is starting a fashion revolution. The loud and proud lover of fashion is all about empowering others to love their bodies and unapologetically express themselves through their style.
We love the massive collection of plus fashion and bopo resources that Kobi has collated on her site, helping us to find cute looks and inspo.
Posts to read right now:
5 Tips For Surviving Social Awkwardness
The Militant Baker
You may have heard of some of Jes Baker’s books including LANDWHALE and THINGS NO WILL TELL FAT GIRLS but did you know that Jes Baker has got a kickass blog too and we are here for it. The advocate for body liberation and mental health is all about living your best life and wants you to know that every body is worthy.
Don’t miss out on the 30 Free Body Image and Mental Health Resources - we’re obsessed with the playlist.
Inspirational posts we just can’t get enough of:
Why I’ve Chosen Body Liberation Over Body Love
Bethany Rutter
Body confidence blogger Bethany Rutter is not only the bestselling author of No Big Deal but also social editor of Navabi, podcast host and blogs in her spare time. - Honestly, we don’t know she does it.
The evergreen posts are just as relevant today as when they were published and we are in love with Bethany’s girl BOSS style.
Read these:
On Body Positivity and Weight Loss
On Body Hate and the Haters That Do It
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Which body confidence bloggers and influencers inspire you? Let us know by sending us a DM on Instagram.
Find out more about super inspiring plus-size bloggers in our 5 Bloggers to Follow in November or 5 Bloggers To Follow in October.
Want to be featured on our '5 Bloggers To Follow' series? Or want to nominate a blog? DM us at @insyzestyle.