Sometimes it’s hard to be body positive when the TV, social media, magazines and seemingly whole world demand that women be sexy, yet innocent, slender yet curvy. But it’s not just airbrushing that has given women impossible beauty standards that we feel we need to live up to; it’s us.
How many times have you been your own worst enemy when you look in the mirror? How many hours have you spent agonising over what to wear, whether or not to go to that party; all because you feel unattractive or insecure in yourself.
Well, we call Bullshit.
That’s why we’ve recruited the advice and words from some of our favorite plus size bloggers. These women are growing their platforms by spreading love and body positivity. We love their inspiring attitude and wanted to share their thoughts with you.
What gives me the most confidence is style and expressing my self through beauty
What motivates you when you’re feeling low in confidence?
My go to solution when my confidence is low is putting myself together. I make sure to do my hair, put my makeup on and I make sure to find an outfit in my closet or may go buy an outfit, if I must!
That outfit has to make me feel beautiful or sexy or comfortable.
What’s your advice for women who are struggling to accept their bodies?
The best advice is this…. The curvy woman is now accepted in the world. The fashion world now has beautiful and trendy styles that fill all our bodies now. TV and movies now offer us roles, we have influencers that come in all shapes. We have so many outlets to feel inspired.
Follow these influencers on instagram, see how they do their make up, see how they dress and listen to the positive things they say. Check out Pinterest for style tips as well!
Being a curvy girl I’m always looking for inspiration because I’m not a size 0-8. I don’t feel the need to be so skinny anymore. I embrace my chunky arms, my thicker legs and everything else that isn’t perfect on my body. I love being curvy and it makes me feel sexy now. But what gives me the most confidence is style and expressing my self through beauty. And I try to eat well and work out so that there is balance in my life.
Renee Waniolek
We only have one life, one chance, and to not love ourselves, wear what we want, be what we want, we are not living our best life.
What motivates you when you’re feeling low in confidence?
When I am having a low confidence day, I tend to do my makeup or wear my favorite outfit…not because it will make me look good but because doing those things make me feel good. I also treat myself to a warm bath or something comforting, mainly because when I take care of myself, it helps me build my confidence more.
What’s your advice for women who are struggling to accept their bodies?
No matter what your size is, you are worthy. I say this to myself still on a bad day. Even if we want to lose weight or change something about our bodies, if we don’t love ourselves as we are right now, chances are that part is not going to change.
Our bodies are amazing things. They put up with the stress and struggles we give it, and it keeps going. After dealing with a brain injury and all the health issues I have had related to that the past few years, I find myself in wonder sometimes of my body because it has kept going.
If we wait to love ourselves until X, Y or Z happens, we are wasting parts of our lives. We only have one life, one chance, and to not love ourselves, wear what we want, be what we want, we are not living our best life.
Lesa Marie
Look in the mirror everyday and say to yourself you love yourself for who you are and that you are beautiful.
What motivates you when you’re feeling low in confidence?
What motivates me is the positive feedback I get from my viewers and followers and also knowing how I am helping so many women accept themselves and love themselves. Getting such lovely comments on photos and videos makes me feel so happy warm fuzzy inside!
What’s your advice for women who are struggling to accept their bodies?
My advice for other women is to look in the mirror everyday and say to yourself you love yourself for who you are and that you are beautiful. Also watch Youtubers and go on social media platforms of bigger people to gain tips and more confidence.
On Youtube there are a lot of slimmer girls and when I started, I used to think that I was too fat and ugly etc [for Youtube] but over the years I have gained confidence and as I say it’s wonderful to help others. I was bullied for years at school and college for my weight… now I am strong and self loving.
Laura Stone
There is no single person, irrespective of size, who loves their body 100% of the time and it’s ok for you not to as well.
What motivates you when you are feeling low in confidence?
I turn to the social media accounts I follow, as I find that being surrounded by a cacophony of plus size gorgeousness can serve to remind you that you are in that gang.
What’s your advice for women who are struggling to accept their bodies?
Don’t compare. Remember that every body is on a different journey and no two paths are the same. You aren’t expected to follow a couple of BoPo (Body Positive) accounts, read a few mantras and wake up the following morning the queen of BoPo who loves their body unconditionally. So try focusing on initially just liking your body, even if it’s just one bit. Then baby step it from there. Instead of focusing on the gazillion things I’m sure you can reel off the top of your head that you don’t like, put your energy into thinking of things you do like. It all sounds very cliche but it will grow. Lastly don’t be too hard on yourself. There is no single person, irrespective of size, who loves their body 100% of the time and it’s ok for you not to as well. It’s just about learning new behaviours that teach you how not to wallow in the negativity.
Anyway I feel like I’m starting to get a bit ranty and preachy so I’m gonna shut up now x I hope there is something you maybe able to use. No worries if not.
Kelly xoxo
Be your own cheerleader, your own supporter….ride or die.
What motivates you when you’re feeling low in confidence?
I used to struggle a lot with the thought of loving myself and it took a long time to get where I’m at. Anytime I get in that head space of feeling low in confidence, I start to cheer ME on. I am my own cheerleader.
I root for myself while looking in the mirror and recite “I am flawless….beautifully made….werk Queen…twirl Queen” (as I spin around and watch myself in the mirror).
What’s your advice for women who are struggling to accept their bodies?
You have to sometimes be your own cheerleader. It doesn’t matter what anyone can say to you if you’re not feeling confident. Confidence starts with YOU! Be your own cheerleader, your own supporter….ride or die. Get in tune with YOU! It’s so important.
Shatera Taylor