If you haven't heard of Lolly yet, then this girl boss bandito from Liverpool is about to become your new favorite Youtuber and Instagram Idol. With her big personality and the fact she is unashamedly fat, it's no wonder you just instantly warm to with her infectious sense of humor and sass.
Lolly doesn't just post plus size fashion hauls or how she styles her amazing curves either. Beyond her personal style, Lolly is someone that oozes confidence and is a major advocate for body confidence and accepting your body, no matter how big or small you are. This double dynamite combination constantly leaves us inspired, as we hope it does for our Insyders and why we reached our to her on insta for this exclusive chat!
Best beauty product of all time?
I don't really wear makeup but, my favourite beauty/skincare product of all time is Aloe Vera! It's cheap, 100% natural and has SO many uses and is amazing for your skin!
Sneakers or heels?
Sneakers over heels EVERY day! I have been collecting sneakers since I was 16 and I only wear heels if it is an absolute must. I think whoever invented heels must've been a little bit crazy.
Hair done or messy?
I think my hair looks better when it's done, but I'm SO lazy when it comes to hair! I always plan to do it properly and end up putting it into the same old messy bun every day.
Savoury or sweet?
Can I say both? It just depends what mood I am in, I love sweet and savoury, but if I HAD to choose I would probably say savoury because that way I could have a chocolate pastry lol.
Bikini or onepiece?
Personally I prefer bikinis! I think it's because I always thought I couldn't wear one due to my size. So now when I do wear one I feel so free and liberated! Kinda showing a middle finger to societies rules!
What's your best style tip?
My best style tip would be add a belt to your fit! It can take a basic frumpy outfit to the next level by giving you a silhouette and also gives you a chance to experiment with cute accessories!
Favourite clothing brand and why?
My favourite brand right now is probably Fashion Nova, just because I feel like they are the only brand that have clothes which are truly my style. Everything is so fashionable and affordable and i'm all about being boujee on a budget!
Any shopping tips for plus size women?
My tips would be, don't be disheartened if you feel left out when shopping at certain stores. The lack of clothing available to us only gives us a chance to get more creative. Shop at thrift stores, try out mens clothing and style it up!! Accessories are your best friend when you're making do with what little you can find!
Facetune or untouched?
Untouched! I used to heavily edit my photos to the point I looked like a different person! Now the only retouching I do is fixing the lighting etc if the picture quality is bad!
Advice for plus size women who are struggling with body image and confidence??
I would say, stop worrying and living for everybody else. I used to live my life telling myself "when I lose weight I will do this" stop waiting to live your life! Start living now. Work on what's going on inside you and it will all fall into place. Find what makes you feel negatively about your body and remove it from your life. And remember, social media ain't real!!
Best clapback when someone comments negatively on your size
I have toooo many clap backs, but honestly recently I've realised the best clap back I can give someone is love and light. Anyone who speaks negatively about someones body clearly has issues within themselves. So... though you may wanna go off on a b*tch, just remember boo she's clearly going through it! Send them some love.
What's your opinion on the term 'plus size' - should the fashion industry use it?
I think the term plus size is kinda silly. It separates us from everyone else and keeps a sort of stigma around us. I wish we could all just scrap the labels and let everyone and every size enjoy fashion.
What's the best message you've received from one of your followers on Instagram?
I get so many messages from followers I couldn't pick just one! But it still amazes me when people message me to say that I have changed their lives! I am just documenting my journey on social media so the fact it's able to help people who are going through what I was going through is just unbelievable to me! I'm so glad I can be something positive for my followers.
When do you feel most sexy?
I feel sexy all the time! When i'm naked, when I get new clothes, when I'm in the shower! I'm comfortable in my body and i've finally come to the realisation that I can be fat and sexy at the same time.
What are your goals for your Instagram and YouTube?
I would love for my YouTube to grow as it's been a goal of mine since I was a little girl, I just never had the confidence to start it! I'm currently working on starting my own business and I wouldn't have been able to do that if my Instagram and YouTube didn't grow so I am extremely grateful! I would love to just keep growing my social medias and helping as many people as I can by sharing my story!
Follow @Lollyxm on Instagram
Subscribe to her Youtube channel here.